Electric actuators with drives


Electric actuators are used today more than ever. The high efficiency that they have led to the replacement of several pneumatic / hydraulic drive systems for specific applications.

Our projects include solutions for the following applications:

  • Pumps
  • Fans
  • Motion Control
  • Conveyors
  • Mixers
  • Winding (reel / roller)
  • Unwinding
  • Rotary table (used for automatic assembly stations, automatic press machines, gluing machines)
  • Flying Knife
  • Rotary knife
  • Pick & Place


    Reduced project implementation time
    The implementation time for an electric drive project is reduced by using dedicated solutions
    Reduced downtime periods
    Reliability of drive systems executed helps reduce downtime periods
    Reduced maintenance costs
    The low level maintenance needed helps reduce maintenance costs
    Reduced energy costs
    By using frequency converters, significant energy cost reductions are reached

Solutions for equipment from the following manufacturers: Control Techniques, Siemens, SEW Eurodrive.